It makes our day when you tag us in photos of your Medal Displays so please keep tagging @medaldisplays on instagram!
Each month we choose our favourite photo to showcase as our 'Medals of The Month'.
This month's winner is not only an excellent athlete, she also does an amazing job helping emergency responders. And although Ember Brindle may not look exactly like our usual winners, they all share the same passion for what they do.
We think Ember is just brilliant and we definitely recommend following her adventures at ember_crisis_response on Instagram or Ember the Crisis Response Dog on Facebook
In her own words and with the help of her hooman, here is a little about Ember's fitness story!
"Hello, my name is Ember and I am a 6 year old yellow Labrador who works as a crisis response dog with Victorian firefighters and police. My job is to help these emergency responders cope with the mental stressors of working in this confronting environment.
My hooman is a firefighter with Fire Rescue Victoria and each year there is a firefighter stair climb event in Melbourne that raises money for several mental health charities. In 2018 the hooman entered me in my first event, the Melbourne Firefighter Stairclimb and not only did I absolutely love the event, I also raised a huge amount of money for charity.
It’s been 4 years since my first stair climb event and since then I have competed at the Eureka tower, the Sydney Tower, the Q1 stair climb, the MCG stadium stomp and several firefighter stair climb events. I’m currently training for this year’s firefighter stair climb in Melbourne so I will have another medal to hang on my medal display soon.
If you want to check out my adventures go to ember_crisis_response on Instagram or Ember the Crisis Response Dog on Facebook.
Cheers Ember"
Our mission is to help celebrate wins and inspire many more, by hanging medals properly.
Keep posting photos of your Medal Displays to our Facebook page or tag @MedalDisplays on Instagram for your chance to be featured and earn yourself a free Medal Display!
Plus, you never know who you might inspire!
We're super excited about this as we know that behind every collection of medals is an awesome story!