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We asked 70 runners from our Facebook page what their favourite thing about running is. Here are the answers...

Kris M... obstacles lol.... or putting music on and escaping into own little world!!

Cathy C... the natural high I get at the end of it :)

Lorraine E W...  the time it gives me to myself as well as the mental challenge of putting one foot in front of the other until the jobs done!

Bernadette R... to hang my medals on a medal display.

Joanne S...  all the great mates I have made.

Cinta G... breaking through the mental challenge and proving to myself that it CAN be done.

Kylie H... when its over!

Camille B... my running buddies at Caroline Springs Running Group that keep me motivated!

Sandra H... the freedom, tranquility i get after i realise it isn't going to kill me each and every time.

Dwayne R... trying to better myself.

Matilda I... being part of nature is also a huge plus. but also the knowledge, helpfulness, kindness of fellow runners and the running community.

Tracy N Paul A...  that I only discovered I liked this in my Mid 40's and I love the feeling I get from completing an event. Bring on more Bling!!!

Suzanne B... it's my zen time and of course the race bling lol.

Nicki M...  the FREEDOM & peace it brings me.

Bay McG...  making new running friends!

Veronica B... yes! Just what I need....

Juliana H... to prove to myself that I can... and also to have running friends.

Nicole P... that it doesn't matter how old you are or how long you've been running but that you are RUNNING.

Becki B...  working off the wine and chocolate I consumed the day before.

Cheryl S...  the freedom it gives me.

Erin C... the strength & confidence i have found in myself.

Robyn S...  finishing and hanging up my hard earned medal!

Fiona P... the big sleep afterwards.

Jeannie W... being free when you feel like you can't be free.

Bronwyn Leah E... my husband and girls cheering me on when I finally make it to the finish line!

Donna C...  the great feeling of achievement when you finish!

Darlene D...  challenging myself to go further and faster. I running.

Genevieve A...  enjoying the 'me' time.

Carrie S...  the challenge of pushing myself to my limits and trying to be better each and every time. Whether is be to run all of the hills or not stopping or going a longer distance... Every challenge is worth it!

Linda T... being able to say "I ran 21km this morning" and watching the persons reaction.

Kylie W...  doing it with the whole family!

Anne McC... finishing.

Tania D... destressing.

Tracy B...  the friends!!

Rachael T...  finishing.


Rebecca H...  socialising and reaching goals with my friends rather then just meeting up for a coffee to catch up.

Cathie W... I feel empowered when I am running. Sourcing energy from all that's surrounding. Meeting like minded friends and laughing. Oh how life is so much more rewarding!

Anne Maree S... breakfast!

Kat D...  playing in the puddles and mud.

Tracey J... running away from anxiety and running into freedom... Even if only for the time-span of the run.

Emma H... the feeling of improvement in my fitness and how it just gets better and better.

Shelly M... the freedom it offers. I love road running and trail running and I just feel free and happy.

Steven T...  displaying my medals . "My other favourite thing about running is..." the challenge of getting faster.

Jo E... how I feel when I finish.

Alysha L...  that I am my only competition.

Gavin P... escapism from the rigors of life while keeping fit, achieving goals and seeing the landscape.

Rose W... I had to believe that I could run and now I have medals that I achieved over 3 years that I CAN DO IT.

Kirrily G... that I still haven't figured out whether I am running away from or to something wonderful.

Melissa F... the sense of achievement when I finish.

Lauren B... runners high sense of achievement better than any drug on planet!

Olive G... the fact that I can run.

Rebecca R... the feeling running gives me.

Wendy G... the sheer joy of joining in and being a part of it all!

Paul J... I want one for my medal.

Scott A... winning lots of medals.....unfortunately I don't have anything to hang them on.

Janet A... the chocolate I can eat guilt free afterwards!!!!! Lol serious I love the freedom that running gives.

Nicole S... running makes me feel strong.

Jane R... the escape from the madness of my 3 sons and a husband!!!!

Maria N... knowing I've done my exercise for the day and actually enjoy it.

Annie P... it stops you from sitting on the couch and loving the fresh air and staying fit and healthy.

Megan W... escaping from the house and the every day chores! Love the morning run!

Lyn F... knowing I'm getting fitter and stronger every time.

Lauren B...  how good it makes me feel when I achieve a goal I once saw as unachievable!

Andrew K...  social aspects of it getting to meet some great people in the running groups.

Wade C...  the freedom, both physically and mentally. When I'm running its just me, the road, and my thoughts.

Kay S... the high I feel after I have finished the run.

Anna C...  feeling a sense of freedom.

A huge thank you to every one who answered, reading through them made us feel proud to be runners and inspired to go and smash out a few miles.

These answers were taken from our Facebook page. You can follow us at to stay up to date, whether you're looking for a running medal display, a taekwondo belt display or medal hangers for swimmers.